Pastor Speroni continues our series of messages on future events and Bible prophecy with a sermon titled “What about Israel?”
Author: Soundboard
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
This morning, Pastor Speroni continues his series on Bible Prophecy with a message about the bride, the bridegroom, and the marriage supper of The Lamb.
The Antichrist
This morning, Pastor Speroni continues a series of messages about future events and Bible prophecy. Today’s message is about the antichrist.
Abomination of desolation
Continuing our series of message on future events in Bible Prophecy, Pastor Speroni brings a message about the coming tribulation.
Mother’s Day Service
Happy Mother’s Day! Today we honor mothers everywhere and continue our series on future events in Bible prophecy.
The Rapture of The Church
This morning Pastor Speroni brings a message of the next event on God’s prophetic calendar, the rapture of the church.
This is important!
This morning,Pastor Mike Rizzuti brings us a message on important truths that Christians need to keep in mind.
This week Pastor Speroni begins a new series on future events and asks us to consider the question “Am I ready?”
Resurrection Sunday
Celebrating The Resurrection of our Savior! He is risen!
If Only They Had Known
On this Palm Sunday, Pastor Speroni delivers a message from Luke 19:28-42.