Old News

Church Picnic Rescheduled


Due to bad weather, our Annual Church Cookout has been rescheduled for August 21st, at Children’s Haven Camp in Douglas, MA beginning at 1:00pm.


There are sign-up sheets on the back tables. The church will supply the hotdogs, hamburgers and soft drinks. We need you to supply all the other things that are enjoyed at a cookout.


You will also need to bring along a lawn chair. If you plan to play softball, make sure you bring a glove.


The evening service will be held at the cookout. Come prepared to share a testimony.



Old News

Community Christian School Cleaning Day


On Saturday, August 20th, we will be holding a cleaning day for Community Christian School. We need your help in getting the school ready for opening day on August 29th. We will begin at 9:00am. Hope to see you there. Remember, "Many hands make-light work."


Old News

Annual Church Cookout


Our Annual Church Cookout will be held on Sunday, August 7th (1st Sunday in Aug.), at Children’s Haven Camp in Douglas, MA beginning at 1:00pm.


There are sign-up sheets on the back tables. The church will supply the hotdogs, hamburgers and soft drinks. We need you to supply all the other things that are enjoyed at a cookout.


You will also need to bring along a lawn chair. If you plan to play softball, make sure you bring a glove.


The evening service will be held at the cookout. Come prepared to share a testimony.


Old News

Reminder: Teen Challenge Men’s Choir


On Sunday, July 31st, the Teen Challenge Men’s Choir will be ministering in the morning service. Come expecting a blessing. Invite your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors.

Old News

Summer Reading Schedule Change

The meeting to discuss the book "Jesus is Enough for Joy, Period!"  will be this Friday, July 15th at the home of Donna and Jerry. We will meet at 6pm for pizza or whatever else you would like to bring. We will discuss the book and then go outside for S’mores by the fire. Please feel free to come and get together, whether or not you have finished reading the book. Also, please come even if you’re just interested in the book bring a friend or spouse.

Old News

Summer Concerts

PCC Proclaim Ministry Team

Tuesday, July 12th, the Proclaim Team from Pensacola Christian College will be with us for a program of music, drama and testimonies. The program will begin at 7pm.


On Sunday, July 31st, the Teen Challenge Men’s Choir will be ministering in the morning service. Come expecting a blessing. If you can help prepare a meal for them after the service, contact Pam Speroni.

Old News

Summer Handbells

Handbell practice Schedule:

Please note that the rehearsal will be cancelled if the afternoon temperatures exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit!

Tuesday, June 28th at 7pm

Tuesday, July 26th at 7pm

Tuesday, August 23rd at 7pm

Free Handbell Festival Concert, Sunday, June 26th at the Mullins Center, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Old News

Flag Day Celebration!


Flag Day is on Tuesday (June 14, 2011) this year.

Join us Sunday June 12th as we celebrate the day in 1777 when the 2nd Continental Congress adopted our official flag. This is also the day (2nd Sunday in June) when the National Flag Day Foundation observes Flag Day each year.

Everyone is welcomed, and encouraged to come wearing patriotic colors, flag pins, etc. Come celebrate everything the flag stands for.

140th Flag Day Poster, 1777-1917 The birthday of the stars and stripes, June 14th, 1917. From the Library Of Congress.


Old News

Vacation Bible School


Vacation Bible school will be held this year from Monday, June 27 to Wednesday, June 29 from 9:30am – 11:30am for children ages 5 through 12. There will be games, singing, Bible Lesson, crafts and refreshments. There is no admission fee and no pre-registration required.


Speaking on Monday will be Philip Brown, church planter to the state of Montana. Tuesday’s message will be from Elmer Astillero, missionary to the Philippines. Pastor Bryan Speroni will have the final service on Wednesday.


Volunteers are needed.
See Pastor if you are interested in helping at VBS this summer.



Old News

Closing Programs for CCS


The Closing Programs for Community Christian School

  • Preschool & Kindergarten: Monday, June 13th, 7pm
  • Grades 1 – 8: Tuesday, June 14th, 7pm