Deacon Tom Trimble brings the message “Maturing as a Christian”
Category: Sermons
Deacon Mark Clemence brings the message ” Reconciled” today. Click Here for this weeks Sunday morning service.
This Months Memory Verse: Proverbs 30:5
Deacon Jerry Labbe preaches the word today.
The Millenial Reign of Christ
This morning, Pastor Speroni continues the series on Bible Prophecy with a message on the second return of Jesus Christ.
The Return of Christ to the Earth
Pastor Speroni continues the series on Bible Prophecy. Special music by the ladies of the church.
What about Israel?
Pastor Speroni continues our series of messages on future events and Bible prophecy with a sermon titled “What about Israel?”
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
This morning, Pastor Speroni continues his series on Bible Prophecy with a message about the bride, the bridegroom, and the marriage supper of The Lamb.
The Antichrist
This morning, Pastor Speroni continues a series of messages about future events and Bible prophecy. Today’s message is about the antichrist.