Upcoming Events

The Wiles of the Devil, PT. 2

This morning, Pastor Speroni preaches on the power of the Devil.

Upcoming Events

The Wiles of the Devil

This morning, Pastor Speroni speaks on the wiles of the devil and how the Christian can defend themselves.

Upcoming Events

The New Heaven and Earth

This morning, Pastor Speroni speaks on the splendor and beauty of the new Heaven and earth.

Upcoming Events


This morning, Pastor Speroni preaches on hell and for the Christian to go and minister to the lost.

Upcoming Events


This morning, Pastor Speroni speaks on Heaven and its splendor.

Upcoming Events

The Great White Throne Judgement

This morning, Pastor Speroni continues the series on Bible Prophecy with a message on the Great White Throne Judgement.

Upcoming Events

2022 Family Fall Festival

Upcoming Events

Annual Business Meeting – September 2020


Our Annual Business meeting for September will be Monday the 21st at 7 pm in the Sanctuary where we will be wearing masks and social distancing.


Learn how God’s work is being done through your local church ministries.


Come to have your voice be heard, or just receive a blessing by seeing how He is providing for both local needs and for those of the ministries we support abroad!


Upcoming Events

Public Reopening May 31st

Good news!!! The Governor has stated that churches in Rhode Island can start meeting again on May 31st. We will be sending a letter to each church family containing the guidelines we will be following. The main thing to remember is that, due to social distancing, we will only be able to seat 50 at a time (immediate family members may sit together). Therefore, we are asking you to attend either the morning or the evening service and not both. We will also be changing the time of our evening service to 6:00pm. The time of the morning service will still be at 10:00am. Both services will be the same, with the Pastor preaching the same message for both gatherings. Wednesday Bible Study will be at 7:00pm. Masks will be required at all services for the time being. You will receive the rest of the guidelines in the letter which you should receive in the mail the week before we resume our services.

Those guidelines will also be posted here on our website as well as on our FB page( ,  and Youtube channel (